EdPalm provides the option for remote certification from 1st to 11th grade in Russian schools. Our program aligns with the Federal State Educational Standard of the Russian Federation and has been endorsed by the Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA of Unated Arab Emirates.

Join the partnership program of EdPalm!

Reasons to choose Edpalm

Custom platform

A tailored approach

The program is specifically designed for self-paced learning and helps students progress through the material at their own convenience.
Learning materials in various formats — audio, video, text, quizzes, electronic textbooks


Licensed programmes

6+ years in the field of online education.
Accreditation in Russia and Educational activity authorization in the UAE


Over 55,000 students have undergone remote certification with us in Russian schools.
EdPalm is committed to supporting our graduates! We craft educational pathways that empower alumni to access high-quality education, no matter where they are in the world.
We are open to partnerships with international universities, as well as Russian schools abroad.

Partnership with EdPalm offers:

  1. Access to a diverse pool of graduates completing their schooling remotely and seeking to continue their education online. For universities, this presents an opportunity to attract talented students to their distance learning programs.
  2. Appeal to international applicants. Given EdPalm's approval by KHDA and registration in the UAE, partnering universities can increase their enrollment of international students.
  3. Appeal to applicants with advanced knowledge and self-motivation. Our students actively set their educational goals and are adept at expanding their knowledge beyond standard curricula.
  4. Official certification opportunities. For Russian schools abroad, partnering with us streamlines the annual student certification process.

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